
Why do a Neocities site?

1.- I like programming

I enjoy software development and things related to it, I've mainly focused on back-end projects, with MySQL, C++ and Java; however, when I had to make layouts for android applications, I realized that I enjoyed making front-end, so this site will serve as a project to learn about web development and front-end.

2.- I like the expressiveness of it

All social media nowadays have a very similar aesthetic between eachother, Instagram looks like twitter, who looks like facebook, etc.
There is no social media that allows customization other than changing your profile picture or adding a banner, Neocities gives you a customization level greater than any social media, allowing you to customize every single little detail that you wish. This level of customization lets you have a greater understanding of the person who made it, more than simple pictures and text, it lets you see inside the mind of the creator.

3.- It's fun!

Overall, I think it's fun to challenge myself to make a website and add content about the things that I enjoy(TV Shows, Movies, Music, etc.) on top of being able to customize the site to my liking and see other people's sites for inspiration.